Now it is time for you to check out some interesting
sites?� That is, if you've got plenty of time to spare!! So go on and enjoy yourself
but be sure to come back here since these links are not related to my site.
has it all!: Includes some very useful info. and excellent pictures.
Egypt- Red Sea Virtual Diving Center:
Unbelievable images
Egypt's Monuments: Pharaonic,
Coptic and Islamic
Egypt State Information Service:
Your name in
Hieroglyphs: Go there and see how your name will look like in hieroglyphs!
Al Ahly Club:� Egypt's
most popular footbal club 
Arabic Movies: Classics &
Receipies: Egyptian food, do not miss it
ArabiaWeb: Arab's Search Engine
Misc. Links
The Art of Marriage: Read it carefully
Personality Online: For various
personality tests. Excellent site!
Nutrition & Health Facts: Read
it before you eat
Software Links
How about decorating
your desktop: download some wonderful themes now!!!
Arabic/English Dictionary Online
Encyclopedia Online
Encarta Online
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